Thursday, April 11, 2013

Problemo Dos

I need a vacation...

All the stress of a major engineering project is finally getting to me. This is the second time this week that something's gone wrong. And as the resident MasterCAM monkey, it's my fault.

The metal pipe in the closet – you know, the one that we're using for our axles – is 30 mm across. The holes in the arms and pegs where the axle is supposed to go is 40 mm across. See the problem? Apparently my brain didn't until after two pegs and three arms had already been milled. And since there isn't a single company in the United States that makes 40 mm hollow metal pipe – and Britain was being finicky over shipping it to us – we're now back to square one.

Now, I'm going to go fix my screw up, redo the parts, and take a very long nap. Not necessarily in that order.

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