Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I need to stop being clever; it doesn't suit me.

In my infinite wisdom, I figured that the wood we would be buying for our pegs would be a little bit off in thickness, so I decided to offset the slots in the base – the ones the pegs go in – by 1/32". Not a bad idea, except I offset them in the wrong direction. 

Apparently, it's standard practice for wood to be the tiniest bit larger than it says it's supposed to be; i.e. a 3/4" peg will actually fit snugly into a 3/4" hole – who knew? So the slots I made smaller so the pegs would fit right now make them not fit at all, which is unfortunate.

We're still going to use them: we'll just have to sand down the pegs a bit so they'll fit in the smaller slots. I went ahead and fixed that for the rest of the bases, so that's good. 

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